For the Final draft in my Infographic Project, I gave it the Title, “Ti Amo, Pasta” which means “I love you, Pasta” in italian. I wanted each step to flow into one another creating a clear picture of each step and what to do next in the makings of Pasta!! I mostly used the brush tool and incorperated some texture and effect on some of the ilustrations; and then i used the pen tool for a couple things within this project. Something i struggled with throughout this project was the background color honeslty. I picked out a few colors but I think I overall did want a pinkish/redish background color for some good contrast with the other reds and colors. I really enjoyed this project and am pleased with the final look!
For my mockup I chose to place my infographic within a magazine because I think it is really fitting and could be a section within a magazine like under a “How To” or “Step-by-Step” catagory!!
For the Infographic Project I created a step by step on how to make Pasta. The images above are my sketches that I illustrated in Procreate. I wanted to use a lot of imagery with not so much text. I wanted each illustration for each step to illustrate what to do. I was coming up with different ways to incorperate the ingredients in the pot and what the illustration should look like, it was between drawing an actually representation of each ingredient or just use a block color to illustrate the ingredient inside the pot. I wanted to incorperate colors that involved the same color scheme but also being different for contrast!

